Monday, September 26, 2011

Anti-Drug Art Competition 2009

Poster colour, A3

I submitted this for the Anti-Drug Art competition in 2009, it was also our EOY painting if I remember correctly.

Description of my painting I did when I submitted it:

The person at the bottom left hand corner, is squatting down, facing the corner. She is a drug addict, who is being attacked by the drugs. As she gets weaker, the drugs get stronger because she is already addicted to drugs. The drugs drive her to a corner until she feels miserable and helpless.


I like how the pills and syringes are painted. The syringes have that transparent effect. I thought I could have painted more pills and syringes and make it the whole streak filled with pills and syringes so that it seems like the drugs are stronger and overwhelming. I also thought the yellow streak fading away to the sides and darkening when it reaches the corner with the person gave more focus and leads the viewers eyes. But I think my blending techniques then weren't very good that's why it doesn't look smooth and well-blended.

1 comment:

  1. You add a slogan like "life is too precious to be wasted"
